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- Xref: bloom-picayune.mit.edu comp.os.mach:2528 news.answers:3092
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- From: boone@psc.edu (Jon Boone)
- Newsgroups: comp.os.mach,news.answers
- Subject: comp.os.mach.FAQ
- Message-ID: <1992Sep22.014554.18002@psc.edu>
- Date: 22 Sep 92 01:45:54 GMT
- Expires: Mon, 2 Nov 1992 00:00:00 GMT
- Reply-To: iain+@cmu.edu
- Followup-To: comp.os.mach
- Organization: Pittsburgh SuperComputing Center, Pittsburgh, PA, USA
- Lines: 277
- Approved: news-answers-request@MIT.EDU
- Supersedes: <1992Sep9.030023.12840@psc.edu>
- Archive-name: comp-os-mach-faq
- +++++ maintained by Jon "Iain" Boone -----
- ----- send any additions and/or correctionst to +++++
- +++++ iain+@andrew.cmu.edu -----
- Sometimes a question you have is asked so often that many people who
- have been following a group for a while know the answer and asking the
- question might generate an unusually large number of replies. In
- order to save net.bandwidth as well as to provide a usefull source of
- answers for some of the more basic questions, the following list of
- Frequently Asked Questions is presented.
- 1) Where can I get a release of Mach for my machine?
- 2) What 386/486 boards does Mach 3.0 run on?
- 3) How easy is it to install MACH?
- 4) What about NeXT OS?
- 5) What about OSF/1?
- 6) What about the GNU HURD?
- 7) What are some books I can read to find out about MACH?
- 8) When will the 4.4 BSD Unix single server be ready?
- 1) Where can I get a release of Mach for my machine?
- MACH 3.0:
- This is only the micro-kernel - no filesystem, no ttys, no
- nothing. To get the rest, you need to have some type of source
- license for BSD -> which implies a source license from AT&T .
- The sources for the Mach 3.0 distribution can be obtained via
- uucp, ftp, sup and afs. In order to recieve them via uucp, the
- normal uunet mechanism for retrieving source or call 1-900-GOT-SRCS
- (login ``uucp'' - no passwd) and retrieve files with the uucp
- command - the cost is $0.40(US) per minute on your phone bill. For
- questions about the uunet service, send them to info@uunet.uu.net.
- The preferred method of distribution is via a program called SUP.
- If you use SUP, you can retrieve files which require a AT&T
- license, which you can not get through either uucp, ftp or afs. To
- find out more about SUP, send mail to mach@cs.cmu.edu.
- You can get the sources and other interesting info over afs from
- the directory /afs/cs.cmu.edu/project/mach/public/src.
- The same sources can be obtained via anonymous ftp from the
- following places:
- US:
- username:anonymous
- passwd: <name>@<site>
- cmu: mach.cs.cmu.edu ( in /usr/mach/public/src
- uunet: ftp.uu.net ( in packages/mach
- username:ftp
- sh.wide.ad.jp ( in MACH
- ftp.dit.co.jp ( in pub/MACH
- ftp.mei.co.jp ( in mach
- ftp.cs.titech.ac.jp (
- username:anonymous
- passwd:<name>@<site>
- nic.funet.fi ( in pub/mach/Mach3.0
- Mary Thompson <mrt+@CS.CMU.EDU> writes:
- Both docmuments and sources for Mach are now available from the
- same machine and subdirectory. To find out what is available use
- the following instructions:
- Ftp to mach.cs.cmu.edu (, as "anonymous", at the
- password prompt send your Username@site (you must include the "@"
- or the login will fail). Then "cd /usr/mach/public". You can then
- use the standard ftp commands, e.g. get, ls with relative path
- names for the files.
- The FAQ directory contains answers to frequently asked questions.
- The doc dirctory (and its subdirectories) contain technical reports
- and some papers. The src directory contains the part of the Mach
- 3.0 kernel sources that are available without licenses The sup
- directory has sources and docmumentation for our Software Update
- Protocol program. The conferences directory has annoucements of
- up-coming conferences or courses pertaining to Mach.
- MACH 2.5:
- A Mach 2.5 distribution is available for the IBM RT, PC-AT
- clones, Vaxen and Sun3's from Mt. Xinu. This is a complete
- source distribution including a BSD 4.3-tahoe utility set.
- This requires an AT&T source license.
- Mt. Xinu also has a product known as Mach386, which runs on
- PC-AT clones (386, 486 or 386SX cpu). It is a binary-only
- distribution which contains ``Mach 2.5 kernel and
- utilities'', ``4.3 BSD interface'', ``GNU utilities (GCC,
- GDB, GAS, EMACS,BISON)'' and ``on-line reference manuals
- (man pages) for Mach and 4.3 BSD.'' Optional modules for
- Networking, X and On-line Documentation (source) are
- available. Mt. Xinu claims that it runs on ``most of the
- common AT-bus IBM PCs and compatibles such as Compaq,
- Intel, Olivetti, Toshiba and Hewlett-Packard.'' The X11 is
- a complete R4, including 8-bit color and support for many
- extended VGA cards, basedon the work by Roell.
- For further information, contact mtxinu-mach@mtxinu.com
- (email) or 1+(510)-644-0146.
- Tenon Intersystems has a product known as MachTen. MachTen is
- an implementation of Berkeley's 4.3BSD Unix, built on a Carnegie
- Mellon Mach 2.5 foundation. MachTen runs as an application on
- the native Macintosh Operating System (MacOS). Included with
- MachTen are Unix programs and a Mach kernel. The kernel
- supports a standard Unix applications environment which includes
- over 300 standard Unix applications. That environment also
- allows all standard Macintosh programs, such as a Macintosh
- spreadsheet or desk accessory application, to run simultaneously
- with Unix programs. MachTen extends MacOS with true Unix
- multitasking, full internet communications, a distributed file
- system via NFS, and a Unix software development environment.
- MachTen does not currently support Macintosh System 7, but
- support for System 7 will be available early in 1992 as a free
- upgrade. MachTen runs on all modern Macintoshes, MacPlus
- through Mac IIfx.
- For further information, contact info@tenon.com (email) or
- 1+(800) 662-2410.
- 2) What 386/486 boards does Mach 3.0 run on?
- George Scott <scottg@SCL.CWRU.EDU> writes:
- Gateway 486/33 (works great with factory hardware)
- Micronics motherboard
- AT&T 6386WGS (factory ESDI hard drive controller does not work!)
- Olivetti/AT&T proprietary
- 3) How easy is it to install MACH?
- 4) What about NeXT OS?
- Avie Tevanian of NeXT writes:
- NeXT started with the Mach 2.0 sources and have picked up most of the
- Mach 2.5 and beyond kernel fixes, except for external pagers. The NeXT
- environment includes all of Unix and goes well beyond supporting
- object oriented programs and lots of fancy graphics.
- It is possible to get the machine-independent kernel sources as well
- as all the library and environment sources from NeXT. Only the
- machine-dependent sources such as device drivers are unavailable.
- From Carrick Talmadge
- clt@physics.purdue.edu
- The latest NeXT price lists reportedly shows:
- N5515 NeXT 2.0 Mach Source Release on Floppies $10,000
- [$5000 for educational institutions].
- I am led to understand that this includes the various licensing fees.
- 5) What about OSF/1?
- The Open Software Foundation releases a version of Mach that starts
- from the Mach 2.5 kernel sources. They incorporated the University of
- Guelph's NFS implementation and have expanded the user environment
- from straight BSD4.3 to include some System V features and Motif.
- From: Nick dokos <nick@osf.org>
- Grace Perez has left OSF, so sending mail to grace@osf.org won't work.
- For more information on pricing, availability etc. of OSF/1, contact
- OSF Direct Channels, direct@osf.org, +1 617 621 7300.
- From: Joseph Boykin <boykin@encore.com>
- OSF distributes and supports two source platforms:
- The Encore Multimax and DecStation 3100.
- They also distribute a number of "contributed ports". That is,
- companies which have done ports of OSF/1 to various architectures and
- are willing to ship it, but which OSF does not support. The OSF/1
- tape includes support for:
- HP/Apollo's 68030 (Dn2500)
- i860
- Clipper (Series 6000 workstation w/C300 processor)
- OSF will ship a 386 version, but they're still working on it.
- 6) What about the GNU HURD?
- From Michael I Bushnell <mib@gnu.ai.mit.edu>:
- The GNU Hurd (`Hurd' is an acronym, but its meaning is not public
- yet) [Hurd has subsequently been defined as a set of mutually recursive
- acronyms: Hurd stands for "Hird of Unix-Replacing Daemons" and Hird
- stands for Hurd of Interfaces Representing Depth" - iain ] is a set of
- servers which, in combination with the GNU C Library, will provide Posix
- and BSD functionality on top of the Mach 3.0 microkernel. The initial
- target is the i386, with the pmax probably following shortly thereafter.
- The Hurd is still in development, but those interested in discussing
- various aspects of it are welcome to join the hurd-folks mailing list.
- To join the list or find out how to get the current sources, send mail
- to hurd-folks-request@gnu.ai.mit.edu.
- Right now there is not a lot of work that can be done by people
- outside the FSF, but those who are interested in having the Hurd
- ultimately run on their machine would help a lot by writing free
- ports of the 3.0 microkernel. Contact mach@cs.cmu.edu for
- information on doing this; CMU coordinates these efforts.
- -mib
- 7) What are some books I can read to find out about MACH?
- Information about Mach can be found in the following books:
- --------------------------------------------------------
- Operating Systems Concepts
- A. Silberschatz, J.L Peterson, P.B. Galvin
- Addison-Wesley Publishing Company, 3rd Edition 1991
- Chapter 16, pages 597-628 is about Mach.
- --------------------------------------------------------
- Distributed Operating Systems: The Logical Design
- A. Goscinski
- Addison-Wesley Publishers., 1991
- Chapter 14.8, pages 864-888 is about Mach
- -------------------------------------------------------
- Not out yet, but promised
- The Design of the Mach Operating system
- N. Bitar, A. Langermann and E. Sheinbrood
- to be published by Prentice-Hall.
- --------------------------------------------------------
- 8) When will the 4.4 BSD Unix single server be ready?
- CMU is working on a 4.4 BSD Unix single server to run under MACH
- 3.0. Currently, it is scheduled for release in the late spring.
- /*****************************************************************************/
- /* Jon Boone Network Systems Administrator Pittsburgh Supercomputing Center */
- /* boone@psc.edu iain+@cmu.edu I'm a member of the LPF, how 'bout you? */
- /* I don't speak for anyone other than myself, unless otherwise stated. */
- /*****************************************************************************/